Friday, November 9, 2007

Follow Up the Tip

I was just going to respond to Guy's comment but I think it warrants a separate post...

I wasn't specifically accusing the Clinton campaign of lying. Rather I feel that Hillary has a knack for taking advantage of a person, for political gain in a disingenuous way. See, I feel that if someone would like to lead this country and make daily decisions that affect us all, then they should exhibit personal integrity. And I would argue that neither Bill nor Hillary Clinton demonstrate personal integrity when they campaign using a strategy of the ends justify the means.

I also happen to think that as part of the political process it is incumbent on us all, to hold up our public officials to close scrutiny and reveal mediocrity when it exists.

Now it may be true, that most, if not all politicians fail to exhibit high standards of conduct. But that doesn't mean that we should elect a candidate who refuses to debate issues in a primary election because she feels that it weakens her party's position against the Republican opposition. Nor should we revere a candidate that has such little regard for the very people that she wishes to govern.

As noted by Obama's campaign "Senator Clinton has clearly decided based on political calculation that her campaign strategy is to tell the American people as little as possible, avoid the difficult issues and try to blur as many differences as possible."

Is that what we want, a win-at-all-costs candidate who will then try to restore our national reputation?

And so now, back to Anita Esterday, the waitress in the original story. Hillary's campaign has made a big show of setting the record straight. Apparently they did leave a $100 tip for sure, on the credit card, and if it wasn't on the card then it was paid in cash. Just ask the manager, who wasn't there. The campaign staffers who haven't been identified and who won't come forward will vouch for it.

And if you don't believe that, then for sure you might want to know that according to the Associated Press, almost the exact same incident occurred during Hillary's 2000 Senate campaign.

So I'll just cut to the chase, Don't Elect Hillary Clinton! She doesn't deserve to be President, even if the image of Bill as First Lady is humorous for a minute.


Anonymous said...

Even if the Clinton camp did lie, so what? Last time I checked, it's not illegal to lie. I'm getting so sick and tired of the smear campaigns, it's making me want to puke. Hillary is our only hope to take back America and get it under control, and you people are acting like children. How dare you.

Guy Ellis said...

I think that if you're going to wait for a politician with "personal integrity" then you will be waiting a long time to vote. It's a bit like God telling the Devil that he's going to sue him. Exactly where is God going to find a lawyer?

Tombo said...

So let me get this straight? If Hillary or her camp is lying it's ok to elect her, but then the same people who forgive her want to impeach Vice President Cheney for lying? Isn't that a nice double standard?

And I understand what Guy is trying to say, but does that mean that we should accept mediocrity when we know that it exists?

badqat said...

I've got to take serious issue with the entirety of the efforts of vote for hillary online.

Tombo has said, and quite accurately, that just because something isn't illegal, it doesn't mean it is moral.

He's also brought up the reality of the "ends justify the means" process that the Clintons employ.

And without a doubt, vote for hillary online is a perfect example of winning at any cost, and the ends justifying the means.

Rather than employing honest, intellectual, and cognizant arguments, vote for hillary online simply goes for raw emotion. "Sick and tired", "you people are acting like children", and borrowing from Swift Boat Willie, "how dare you." I wonder if a finger is being pointed at the same time.

Finally, those who visit the vote for hillary online blog will quickly notice that it's devoid of substance and intellectual honesty is absent.

Even more disturbing, it appears that vote for hillary online specializes in bigotry.

When you espouse that only your candidate has "attributes of compassion, loyalty, patriotism, and integrity" while demonstrating that you have none of these attributes, how seriously do you think we going to take your words?

Guy Ellis said...

It's been 8 days since your last blog post. Time for another one Tombo!

Melodie said...
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Melodie said...

While you and I disagree on so many things Tom, (Hillary included) I have to agree with you that VFHO is not a great representative for Hillary supporters. Some people just aren't cut out for public speaking or intelligent debate and could do their candidate a much better service by working behind the scenes.

I totally agree with Guy about ethical politicians. You could fit all of the politicians with ethics (and the backbone to stand by them) in a Prius.

It's impossible for the average person to run for office so those with ethics don't make it to Washington. Between the cost of financing a campaign (ask McCain) and the mudslinging campaign practices that are so prevalent people can't afford to run or are terrified of what might be dug up or made up to use against them and their families.

What we're left with are career politicians who sell their souls to big money backers and do what their financers request making mediocrity our only choice. How can we not accept it?

It's not about picking the best candidate for the job, it's a matter of picking the lesser of the evils presented.

If you have some plausible plan that we can implement to change the face of politics I'd love to hear it. Hell, I'll be the first one to jump in and help you get it started. If you don't, how do you justify your soapbox?